The importance of non-importance
We caught you checkin’ us out!!
Truth be told, we like it! It makes us feel pretty special. I mean, heck, you’re pretty darn special yourself. And, we must confess, you take action and you’re gonna get lucky on our first date. That’s because everyone that buys a ticket to the Ramble Festival is gonna get VIP treatment. At the Ramble Festival there are no VIPs because everyone is a VIP.
You don’t have to “know a guy” or spend another week's salary to get treated like the superstar that you already are. The fact that you have survived everything that life has thrown your way already makes you a superhero. So, let’s celebrate that fact with some kick-ass music and good times! It’s been our philosophy from the start that music is one of the most unifying forces out there. It has created community, helped us make new friends, put us in touch with our emotions, and connected us with any higher power or principle that we seek. Music has helped warriors prepare for battle, and for goodness sake, MUSIC HAS HELPED STOP WARS.
Music is power, and it has always been a force of inclusion.
From Left: Random people in the background, J, Brick, Pat Bergeson, Annie Sellick, another equally random person partially in the picture
Why then do we wanna set up bike racks and sequester one group of people away from another group of people? Why let the specter of importance be the deciding factor on how people get treated? Don’t misunderstand this, we’re not knocking the existence of VIP programs. As a life-long festival goer, I know that some of the best line-ups I’ve ever seen have been made possible by the VIP’s. This is the music business, after all - and things cost money. That said, Brick and I are terrible business men - if prioritizing the bottom line is the end-all be-all to being a business person, then we really do suck at it. We know what a struggle it is in these crazy times to muster up the fundage to even make it to The Ramble. We are a small-batch, hand-crafted, homegrown festival intent on having fun and spreading good vibes, and we soooo want you to come and be a part of this thing!
The band’s on our lineup are all onboard for a good time and understand that our mission is to build a Rambler Family. Understandably, we all kinda “married in” to this family - most of our lives were spent apart, but there was some kind of attraction that brought us together, and boom! Now, we’re in it for the long haul. For better or worse. That’s not to say that family isn’t dysfunctional at times. Hell, it doesn’t mean that this Ramblin’ family isn’t a bit dysfunctional at times, but we love each other to the moon and back when we are on the same page, and we love each other enough to respect our differing opinions and actions when we’re not. Call it a BLISSfunctional family. In the festival world, as with all families, we sink or swim together. No one is more esteemed than the next, and all are valued because we are in this time and space together for a reason.
So, you beautiful, majestic, sentient soul - take the plunge and purchase a ticket. Your non-VIP, VIP treatment awaits and The Ramble needs your good energy, your stellar dancing skills, and “kind-at-all-cost” personality to make The Ramble Festival a force for good that you’ll be singing songs about for generations.
Have other questions? Check out our FAQs or our latest Hey Brick!
Ramble On,
- J